Chinese herbal medicine is part of a larger healing system called Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) which also includes acupuncture, massage, diet, tai chi, and etc. The popularity of Chinese herbal medicine has grown in Australia with nearly three million people visiting a Chinese traditional medicine (TCM) practitioner every year.  Chinese medicine is used to treat many medical problems such as gastrointestinal problems, obesity, skin diseases, chronic fatigue and pain disorders, rheumatism, sleep disorders, and gynecological ailments.

The underlying principles of TCM are very different from traditional Western notions about health, illness and the workings of the body. Chinese herbs work by using herbal remedies to store the balanced energy( “Qi”) in channels that course through the body. These invisible channels are known as meridians.

For more information or to make a booking, call us on (02) 9960 8539 or make an online booking.